Start with Emotion

25th November 2024 1 min read

Start with Emotion

The key to creating powerful photos is focusing on emotion rather than just the technical details of posing. At Studio 24 London, we encourage clients to tap into their feelings.

Whether that’s joy, confidence, or calm. When you focus on how you feel rather than how you look, your body naturally follows, creating more authentic and engaging images.

If you are shy or less confident, connecting with an emotion rather than worrying about how you look can help you relax.

It is not about a perfect smile or pose, it is about capturing the real you in the moment. With the guidance of @Cassiusfphoto (Studio24_London), we will help you channel those emotions into your photoshoot, ensuring that your images tell a genuine story.

The result? Photos that reflect who you truly are, not just what you look like.